Member Login


River Hills Club is a private club subject to a referral by a member and approval of the Board of Directors. All upstanding residents of the greater Jackson metro area are welcome, as well as those who qualify for non-resident status.
  • Applications must be signed by the applicant and one River Hills Club member in good standing or their spouses.
  • Completed applications will be presented to the Board of Directors and then posted in the Club for 3 business days. 
  • After approval, the applicant is notified and is ready to set up his/her membership account.
  • The new member shall be required to pay their first month's dues at the time of account set up
The following types of membership are offered at RHC:

Stock Membership:

Membership provides full access to all the Club's facilities and amenities to include the tennis courts, swimming pool facilities, health and fitness center, clubhouse, dining rooms and all social related events and activities
  • Initiation Fee: $3000.00                  
  • Monthly Dues: $374.00

Junior Associate Membership:

Available to candidates between the ages of 21 and 39, inclusive. Membership provides full access to all the Club's facilities and amenities to include the tennis courts, swimming pool facilities, health and fitness center, clubhouse, dining rooms and all social related events and activities

Age 35-39

  • Initiation Fee: $2500.00
  • Monthly Dues: $329.00

Age 30-34

  • Initiation Fee: $2000.00
  • Monthly Dues: $284.00

Age 21-29

  • Initiation Fee: $1500.00
  • Monthly Dues: $239.00

Social Membership:

Food and Beverage only. Membership provides full access to the Club's facilities and amenities to include the clubhouse, dining rooms and all social related events and activities.
  • Initiation Fee: $300.00
  • Monthly Dues: $228.00

Non-Resident Membership:

Those members who reside outside a 35 mile radius of the Club may become non-resident members. Membership provides full access to all the Club's facilities and amenities to include the tennis courts, swimming pool facilities, health and fitness center, clubhouse, dining rooms and all social related events and activities. No member may retain their Non-Resident status after residing in the City of Jackson for three consecutive months.
  • Initiation Fee: $500.00
  • Monthly Dues: $213.00

Student Membership: 

A Student Membership is for full time post-graduate students (12+ hours per semester) and medical interns and residents in the Jackson metro area colleges, universities and medical facilities. Membership provides full access to all the Club's facilities and amenities to include the tennis courts, swimming pool facilities, health and fitness center, clubhouse, dining rooms and all social related events and activities.
  • Half off initiation fee of appropriate membership class based on age
For more information on membership, please contact Neely Claire Marascalco at 
601-987-4450 or email to [email protected]